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People with Masks


and Other Communicable Diseases

Procedures + Guidelines for Communicable Diseases

Dear Floresh Wellness patients and caregivers,
Floresh Wellness is here to support your physical, mental, and emotional health through this COVID pandemic.
The clinic continues to successfully treat our community with face-to-face therapy sessions with your cooperation in following the WA state mandated COVID-19 Procedures + Guidelines. We will continue to assess the situation on a daily basis to ensure the safety of our community.
We are taking every precaution to safeguard your wellbeing against COVID and all other communicable diseases during your visit to our facilities. We have rigorous standard sanitary protocols in place and are taking all measures to reduce the spread of any infections. We will be cushioning time between each patient to allow for cleaning. There is no need to cancel your appointment unless you are feeling unwell with signs of COVID-19 infection which include fever, shortness of breath, coughing, and sore throat.
We believe everyone's health is essential. With PPE and safety measures in place, it is our duty to be there for essential patients who:

  • May, otherwise, find themselves headed to the hospitals and urgent care. 

  • Want to manage chronic health conditions and maintain the positive progress obtained instead of reverting back to severe symptoms and/or heavy pharmaceutical usage. 



We are still requiring masks at this time as it is still mandated for all medical clinics by the state of Washington. 

We are asking that all patients take their temperature at home prior to coming to their appointment. If you have a fever and/or are feeling unwell with difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, please reschedule your appointment and call your primary care physician to determine the next steps that are right for you.
At this time we ask that patients limit the number of people they bring in with them to their appointments. If you are able to come to your appointment by yourself, please do so; otherwise, please limit additional guests to only necessary caregivers.
When visiting our clinic, please wash your hands, use our hand sanitizers and tissues. Disposable face masks will also be made available for your use in clinic if you forget yours. Please feel free to ask for assistance when you arrive.

Thank you for entrusting Floresh Wellness with your care. We are proud to serve you and look forward to continuing to do so for as long as possible. 
Should you have specific questions about COVID-19, we recommend visiting the WA Department of Health’s website at; or calling their hotline at 1-800-525-0127.
Be Safe. Be Well.

Alex & Christina


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